© 2025 — Speaking Space (Romsey) Ltd

Communication and Behaviour (1 day course )

This course will explore the link between communication and behaviours that challenge. You will explore causes of behaviours that challenge, models and strategies to support a person’s communication. Through the use of a case study, you will explore ways to reduce the need for behaviours that challenge by supporting a person’s communication needs.  This is a practical course with the aim that you will leave with some practical suggestions and solutions.

Speech, Language and Communication Need (SLCN)   Introduction (1 day course )

This one day course is aimed at providing parents and professionals with an overview of common communication difficulties for children with SLCN. There will be a mix of theory and practical exercises to explore the areas of attention and listening, receptive and expressive language and speech sounds. The course will be run by one of our highly experienced speech and language therapists who will provide communication strategies to use with children in school and at home.

Becoming a School-Based Speech, Language and   Communication Need (SLCN) Lead (3 to 6 day course)

The aim of this course is to create SLCN Leads for schools so that every school has someone who is able to identify, support and work with pupils who have communication difficulties. This will be achieved through a training programme run by a highly experienced team of speech and language therapists (SLTs) over three to six days throughout the year. The days will cover typical communication needs and staff will then be asked to carry our assignments. The course will be very practical and will include a screening tool that staff can use to help them identify children who have SLCN and a training package to be cascaded to other members of staff in school. As part of this project, we can also complete a pre and post-communication audit on each school which you will be able to share with Ofsted.

Social Skills: 1, or 2 day courses

As a company we specialise in developing social skills. We work closely with Alex Kelly, the author of the bestselling Talkabout resources and our team are all trained to deliver this programme. We offer 1 or 2 day training in social skills, which includes:

  • Assessing social skills… Where do we start?
  • Teaching social skills… How do we teach it & which approach will work best? How can we help people to generalize the skills?
  • Measuring effectiveness… How can we set targets & measure progress?

We can develop a training session to suit your needs, from a 1-hour’s workshop to a 2-day course on developing skills.


Makaton courses are a fun and practical way to learn how to use Makaton to support communication. They are aimed at anyone who needs to develop their skills at home or at work. Courses are divided into 4 levels. Each level consists of 2 modules and can be delivered as a whole day or split into shorter sessions. Each level is a stand-alone course, but participants must have attended the previous levels. The complete core vocabulary of signs and symbols will be taught over the 4 levels.

These courses offer lots of opportunities to practice your skills in a friendly and supportive environment as well as tips for effective sign and symbol use at home or work.

Total Communication (1 day course)

This course is a practical introduction to the use of Total Communication strategies with people who have an intellectual  disability (ID). You will learn about typical areas of communication difficulty within ID and various strategies to support a person through both verbal and non-verbal communication, and visual strategies.

Communication coordinators

The aim of this course is to create communication coordinators who can lead on supporting adults with intellectual disability with their communication needs in a day service or residential setting. This will be achieved through a training programme run by a highly experienced team of speech and language therapists (SLTs) over six days throughout the year plus a follow up day. The days will cover all the common areas of difficulties in communication and staff will then be asked to carry out assignments. The course will be very practical and will include a screening tool that staff can use to help them identify communication needs and a training package to be cascaded to other members of staff in their place of work.

Loss and bereavement (1 day course)

This course offers practical ways to support people with intellectual disability to understand and express themselves regarding a loss. There are 2 courses available. 1 is aimed at people supporting those who have experienced loss, and another is facilitated with individuals with an intellectual disability via practical activities. Participants will take a resource pack away with them.

Additional information

All of our courses are run at Fleming house in Romsey. However, all courses can be adapted to be run externally as workshops or inset days. Please contact us if you would be interested in this, to discuss how it could run in your workplace and for costings. If you are from a school or organisation and would be interested in group bookings for any of our courses, please do no hesitate to contact us to discuss this.